What is the difference between a Psychic, the “Clairs” and Mediumship?

The word psychic comes from the Greek word Psyche, meaning “breath of life”, i.e., “soul or spirit”.
Someone who is psychic is said to be in touch with there, and anybody else’s, soul. Therefore they can perform
a soul reading, where they can connect with someone’s soul, through their aura energy field (which is really
an extension of the body), and read information about a person’s past, present, and possible future.

Since the days when people consulted the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece, people have been curious
about their fate, seeking knowledge of the outcome of their actions and life after so-called death.

The word Clairvoyant comes from the French for Clear Seeing.
Nowadays the word Clairvoyant is often used to describe someone with Psychic powers
because they can “clearly see” things most people cannot, including the future.

Clairsentience means clear sensing or feeling, Clairaudience means clear hearing and
Clairgustance is clear smelling or tasting. As one famous psychic once said, “sometimes I see, sometimes
I feel, sometimes I hear, and sometimes I smell.” He then wondered why everyone laughed!

Mediumship is when a psychic raises their energy in order to act as a conduit of information
direct from the spirit world. The word medium means the thing in which something is
transported or transmitted. That is what we say when we talk of the medium of television or
the media when referring to television, radio, newspapers, ext. They transmit information
from person to person. A Spiritual Medium transmits information from a spirit, be that
a departed loved one or a guide (guardian angel), to someone on the earth plane.

It is often said that all Mediums are Psychic, but not all Psychics are Mediums.

Some words of wisdom.

Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret?
There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.

Accurate, Honest, Empathy, Compassionate

       Cost for a Psychic, Spiritual or a Card Reading (one to one or telephone) £30.00

Cost for Past Life Regression (one to one only) £35.00

For a Reading or Past Life Regression please allow up to one hour

I will visit clients in Cheshire, Shropshire, North and Mid-Wales

Tel: +44 07915 391604 / Email: [email protected] / Website: theclairvoyantman.co.uk