Spiritual healing is not new, as far back as we can trace in the history of man; links with healing
are to be found. It is interesting that in this scientific age that healing is becoming more known
than it has been for a very long time. Dr Margaret Murray, a well-known anthropologist, suggests
that the origin of healing is to be found in the tribal structure of Palaeolithic man. The old woman
of the tribe was its priest; her task was to discern the spirits and to provide healing for the sick.

Hippocrates (460-377 BC) was born on the Greek Island of Kos into a family of priest and physicians.
He became a medical practitioner himself. He recognised how Spiritual Healing by the laying on of hands
alleviated some conditions, which was accompanied by a sensation of warmth and tingling. He described
the healing energy as ‘the heat that oozes out of the hands, being applied to the sick, is very salutary’

Healing is governed by natural law; our own lives are governed by the law of Karma, the law of cause and effect. 

Spiritual healing is complementary to orthodox medicine, it must not be considered as an alternative.
When you are unwell, you need to get assistance from the doctor. If you receive spiritual healing,
this will complement your treatment, the two will work well together to assist in your recovery.

When we mention healing of any sort, many people think immediately of making a person
well due to a physical problem. This is true in part, but it is not the whole picture.
When spiritual healing is administered, it can assist a person on any or all levels,
thus treating the whole person, mind, body and soul. A truly inner healing experience.

Though similar in practice spiritual healing is not based on any religion. Spiritual healing is a therapy
and spiritualism a religion. You do not need to have a belief or faith in order to receive healing.

 Contact healing is a completely none – intrusive form of treatment. Light physical touch is normally involved,
however not always necessary if you do not feel comfortable. You may feel a warmth or cold tingling
sensation or just a simple feeling of well – being, this is the same for absent healing. If you feel you
would like absent healing, send me an email with your name, your location and the reason for requiring healing.

Healing can be offered not only for we humans but also for the animal kingdom.

I cannot guarantee any cure but I hope the healing energy will bring about some benefit to the sufferer.

 Some words of wisdom.

Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your
greeting… Do not only give your care but give your heart as well.

Accurate, Honest, Empathy, Compassionate

Cost of a Psychic, Spiritual or a Card Reading (one to one or telephone) £30.00

Cost for Past Life Regression (one to one only) £35.00

For a Reading or Past Life Regression please allow up to one hour

I will visit clients in Cheshire, Shropshire, North and Mid-Wales

All Major Debit & Credit Cards Accepted

Tel: +44 07915 391604 / Email: [email protected] / Website: theclairvoyantman.co.uk