Past Life Regression is a technique which will take an individual back through time to
their previous lives by accessing normally hidden memories in the subconscious mind.

It is amazing how much baggage we carry around with us from previous lifetimes
and we often have no idea of the impact that this is having upon us now. By using Regression Therapy,
we can go to the very root of a problem, and resolve any blockages that may be holding us back.
This enables us to move forward in a much more positive and empowered way.

  My gentle approach and counselling skills create a supportive
atmosphere in which clients can confidently travel back in time. 

In order to access the subconscious I employee the uses of visualisation and relaxation techniques,
not hypnosis. I will use his voice to lead you gently into a state of deep relaxation then guide you
until you are in a state of altered consciousness where you are completely aware and fully in control.
 It is then we start the journey into your past life’s. You will have chosen a visualisation where you will
start your journey. You will be able to experiences your past lives in your mind’s eye as if you are
actually there as it happens. At the end of each session, your body’s energy is re-balanced
leaving you with a feeling of peace and well-being and answers to your questions.

So what will you encounter in these past lives?

Some people discover lives that they have shared with people that they have a
close bond within their present life or you may be drawn to certain places
or countries that you immediately feel comfortable and familiar with.

 Understanding past life regression can help to alleviate the fear of death for many
people, to believe there may be something after this life can be of great help.

Past life regression can work for everyone, so the important
thing is to accept it and enjoy the benefits that it brings.

 Each life explored is a journey and an adventure for both you and me.

Some words of wisdom.

Be open-minded about everything in life, at risk of missing something vitally important.
Not everything is obvious nor has an immediate explanation.

Accurate, Honest, Empathy, Compassion

Cost for a Psychic, Spiritual or a Card Reading (one to one or telephone) £30.00

Cost for Past Life Regression (one to one only) £35.00

For a Reading or Past Life Regression please allow up to one hour

 I will visit clients in Cheshire, Shropshire, North and Mid-Wales

All Major Debit & Credit Cards Accepted

Tel: +44 07915 391604 / Email: the [email protected] / Website: