In order to be who you are, you must be willing to let go of who you think you are.
Dream Catchers
I am quite often asked about the origins of dream catchers and do they really work. I have compiled a short history about the origins of dream catchers and as far as do they work, well, buy one and test it for yourself.
The origins of dream catcher can be found in the Native American tribe of Ojibwe. If legends are to be believed, then the spider woman (sometimes known as Asibikaashi) wove very small dream catchers throughout the day and night, so that they could be hung above babies as they slept. The idea being that bad dreams would be captured in the web, so that only happy dreams would filter through. In the light of day, the bad dreams would break free to return to the shadows, leaving only happy, sleeping babies who laughed and clapped with joy on waking.
Eventually the Ojibwe tribe grew, and as such went off in many different directions. This made it impossible for the spider woman to visit all the places that babies slept to place a woven dream catcher above them. So, the magical secret was passed down to grandmothers and in turn to mothers, who could create their very own dream catchers from plants and willow.
Traditionally a dream catcher would either have seven points which would represent the Seven Great prophesies of the Ojibwe or would have eight points to represent spider woman (8 legs). Turquoise is usually placed at the centre and feathers and crystals are woven into the web.
Off courses dream catcher are now readily available to buy and many parents still place them above a babies or child’s bed to ensure a peaceful nights rest. Increasingly adults are also using them to guard against insomnia and restless nights.
Native American Wisdom
Regard heaven as your farther, earth as your mother and all that lives as your brother and sister.
It does not require many words to speak the truth.
Spirituality does not come from religion it comes from our soul.
Cherish youth, but trust old age.
Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.
They are not dead who live in the hearts they leave behind.
The colour of the skin is less important than the spirit which moves it.
O’Great spirit help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence.
Happy Easter
A Happy Easter to one and all, or if you are a Pagan as is my friend John (in fact, a very laid back pagan) Happy Eostre, and not forgetting the Goldberg’s across the road, Happy Passover. Now I am not going to start writing reams about the origins of Easter because so much has been written already. All I will say is enjoy the weekend what ever you are doing, if you are working keeping the wheels of industry turning you have my sympathy’s, been there, worn the tee-shirt. Me, well after my two boiled eggs and hot cross buns I will start decorating the two rooms in the house that I have being attempting to get round to doing for the last six months. If you are thinking, that is not very spiritual, please believe me not hearing my partner complaining to me, “yet again I have failed to do the decorating”, believe me that will be spiritual enough for me.
Open Circle
Some 12 months ago when attending an open circle a lovely elderly gentleman came and sat down next to me. I could tell he looked very uncomfortable being in a spiritualist church, so in order to put him at ease I engaged him in conversation and as I suspected this was the first time he had entered a spiritualist church. He explained that he had to have his dog (of some 12 years) put to sleep just a few weeks early.
Trying to get some comfort and reassurance that his beloved pet is now being looked after by his wife who had passed back to the world of spirit some years early he had turned to a friend who was a lay preacher, the lay preacher told him that yes we do live on after so called death but animals do not, and so this gentleman found himself sat next to me looking for a second opinion so to speak.
I am very pleased to say that spirit did in fact bring his wife and little dog through and so I was able to give him the reassurance that indeed all animals do live on after so called death, just as we do. I never saw the gentleman again so I assume he received the comfort and reassurance that he had sought.
Brussels Terrorist Attack
My heart goes out to all the people and their families who were caught up in the terrorist bombings in Brussels. Let us send out our positive thoughts to help them and to the people who carry out these acts of brutality against innocent souls.
Yes we really should send out our positive thoughts to the terrorists in the hope that they will see the errors of their ways before they commit further atrocities. I would ask you to please go as far as trying to find forgiveness in your hearts. For if we harbour hatred then we will become no better than the misguided souls who carry out such acts of violence in the of Islam, for Islam only teaches as all religions do, to follow the path of love, harmony and peace.
Hello and welcome to the blog site of “The Clairvoyant Man”
Hello and welcome to the blog site of “The Clairvoyant Man”
Firstly, I would like to start by saying an enormous thank you to one Mr John Growcott of ACS Computers, Rhosymedre, Wrexham for his patience, advise and understanding during the building of this Website, especially as I repeatedly made changes on a daily basis.
Once again John many thanks.
Now down to Business.
Some years ago before the advent of the household computer and the Internet I was reading an article about a Vicar based in Yorkshire. The Vicar in question was saying, I believe in Ecumenical Services however spiritualism should be left well alone. Well I jumped up out of my chair and found myself running around the house looking for a pen and writing pad intending to put my thoughts on paper letting everyone know just what I thought of this Vicars views of Spiritualism when, spirit whispered two words into my ears, Tolerance and Understanding.
Well I must say, those two words stopped me dead in my tracks and spirit were right to pass this wisdom on to me. For who am I to criticize someone who simple is not versed in the ways of spiritualism as I am. Since then I have tried to live by those two words and when I see people shouting about the evils of spiritualism well I just wish I could take them and that Vicar by the hand and show them just what a beautiful religion spiritualism really is, as we who are involved with spiritualism give of so much love and light.