Hello and welcome to the blog site of “The Clairvoyant Man”

Firstly, I would like to start by saying an enormous thank you to one Mr John Growcott of ACS Computers, Rhosymedre, Wrexham for his patience, advise and understanding during the building of this Website, especially as I repeatedly made changes on a daily basis.

Once again John many thanks.

Now down to Business.

Some years ago before the advent of the household computer and the Internet I was reading an article about a Vicar based in Yorkshire. The Vicar in question was saying, I believe in Ecumenical Services however spiritualism should be left well alone. Well I jumped up out of my chair and found myself running around the house looking for a pen and writing pad intending to put my thoughts on paper letting everyone know just what I thought of this Vicars views of Spiritualism when, spirit whispered two words into my ears, Tolerance and Understanding.

Well I must say, those two words stopped me dead in my tracks and spirit were right to pass this wisdom on to me. For who am I to criticize someone who simple is not versed in the ways of spiritualism as I am. Since then I have tried to live by those two words and when I see people shouting about the evils of spiritualism well I just wish I could take them and that Vicar by the hand and show them just what a beautiful religion spiritualism really is, as we who are involved with spiritualism give of so much love and light.