A Happy Easter to one and all, or if you are a Pagan as is my friend John  (in fact, a very laid back pagan) Happy Eostre, and not forgetting the Goldberg’s across the road, Happy Passover. Now I am not going to start writing reams about the origins of Easter because so much has been written already. All I will say is enjoy the weekend what ever you are doing, if you are working keeping the wheels of industry turning you have my sympathy’s, been there, worn the tee-shirt. Me, well after my two boiled eggs and hot cross buns I will start decorating the two rooms in the house that I have being attempting to get round to doing for the last six months. If you are thinking, that is not very spiritual, please believe me not hearing my partner complaining to me, “yet again I have failed to do the decorating”, believe me that will be spiritual enough for me.